Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Clusterfuck in Cleveland

The Clusterfuck in Cleveland

Wednesday 30th September 2020

Well Gloria was right, it was a bit of a rough night as a strong cold front moved through. I’m not sure what time the wind really picked up but by 5 am the boat was rocking and rolling, the wind was screaming and I was fully awake. I got up and put on our instruments and the wind was gusting 25-35 knots. There was quite a lot of noise coming from the cockpit and I realized that we hadn’t taken down our bimini (sun shade). It was being buffeted by the wind and one of the stainless steel poles had become disconnected. I managed to fold it up and thankfully no damage, but I was soaked from the rain by the time I finished. I dragged my duvet into the main cabin and settled in to start reading about the “Clusterfuck in Cleveland”. For once this didn’t relate the performance of the Cleveland Browns but rather the complete shit-show that was last night’s first Presidential debate. Did anyone watch it? I personally did not and I’m glad that I missed it. I’d rather have all my wisdom teeth extracted through my rear end than spend one second listening to the orange-headed turd. 

The rest of the morning was a lazy affair as the winds continued to blow, albeit not so strongly, and neither of us fancied a wet dinghy ride to shore. But this afternoon we did get some laundry done as well as completing another coat of varnish on the toe-rail. We only have a couple of days left before we start our journey south and we may be getting close to finishing our current list of jobs. The truth is that the "to-do list" never gets finished and when the day comes we will just leave! 

Hope you are all doing well.


East Greenwich, RI

There is a restaurant in East Greenwich called Raku Sakura that sells excellent sushi ... yummy. They are currently only open for takeaway but that suits us just fine.


  1. Just to register that your soon-to-be deskhand is more than happy to pitch in with jobs. Just so long as it isn't two years before the mast...

  2. Thanks Will ... we will save the best of them for you!
