Thursday, September 24, 2020

Eating Pancakes in my PJs

Eating Pancakes in my PJs

Thursday 24 September 2020

I think we talked quite a lot about the cold north wind that was blowing for several days, but I have to say the last two days have been gorgeous. This morning we cooked blueberry pancakes for breakfast and ate them out in the cockpit. As you will gather from the title I was still in my PJs and it was plenty warm enough. It is like we went through a time warp and are back on a different planet.

We did use part of the day to drive up the closest REI camping store and bought some additional warm clothes ready for the cold months ahead as we make our way down the eastern seaboard / Intra Coastal Waterway.

This evening’s dinner became a little more entertaining when Gloria pointed out the pretty pink sky of sunset. When I looked out I noticed there was a fire on the shore. It appeared that the grass and vegetation close to the water was burning quite well. What was less obvious was whether the kids that were gathered around had started it or were trying to put it out (or both!). in any event some other boaters called 911 and the police and fire brigade arrived pretty quickly and put it out without much trouble. After dinner I took the dinghy ashore to get some night-time shots of the public docks that we have been using. I love low-light photography because the shots come out looking very different from the scene in front of your eyes, often in ways you don’t expect.


East Greenwich, RI

Grass fire on the banks of East Greenwich cove

East Greenwich public dock and launch ramp

East Greenwich public dock and launch ramp

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