Sunday, September 6, 2020

“ N.O.L.S.” day

“ N.O.L.S.” day

Sunday September 6th 2020


That would be “No Official Lunch, Sadly”.  Seemingly, this is what happens when you have a lazy morning, a late breakfast (not a large one in my case) and set off on a “walk” at about half past eleven.  Fortunately, I had the foresight to bring an apple and a water bottle.  Otherwise, I might well have fallen by the wayside unable to carry on. . .


We stayed in Linekin Bay today and walked to a nature reserve.  The first part of the walk was along a marsh.  Almost immediately we saw a bald eagle fly across the water.  Other bird sightings included a pair of Belted Kingfishers, common yellow throats, American restart, ovenbird, yellow warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, hairy woodpecker, white breasted nuthatch and juncos. 


I was a bit saddened to see the juncos—a bird that I associate with winter.  In Sudbury, we first see these birds in the autumn sometime and they signal that winter is not far away. In Maine, they may be present all year—for all I know. (If I weren’t so lazy, I’d get the bird book and check)


There is something to be said about an anchorage that you know and are confident about.  I had such a good sleep last night!  Long may it last.  We have decided, for now, to stay here through the big winds that are due tomorrow.  While the forecasted wind strength has dropped, the direction is still unfavorable and the seas are going to be 3-4 ft.  That’s far from delightful. 



Frog in the marshes. We also saw a large one of these frogs trying to eat a smaller one - it had the entire back leg in it's mouth. I think the smaller one finally got away after quite a struggle and much splashing

A damsel fly (I believe)

Orange woodland flower

Pink sedum flowers

1 comment:

  1. I suspect that you had a wonderful dinner to compensate for NOLS! I am always amazed to see the meals you and Mike manage to create in that small boat kitchen. The weather here has been perfect so hopefully you will have smooth sailing! Sheila
