Saturday, March 9, 2013

Arrival in Georgetown

Arrival in Georgetown   ...   Friday 8th March 2013

We departed the slip at Emerald Bay Marina with the assistance of another boater and a very experienced dockhand.  They were instrumental in getting the stern of the boat turned.  As we were reversing into the wind, this maneuver promised to be tricky.  In the event, with all the help, it went beautifully.  At the entrance to the marina we met some waves but were soon out of the narrow entrance. 

Shortly after exiting the marina the new-fangled lure went over the side attached to the trawling line.  Eventually the spinning rod was also put into action.  It saddens me to have to report that we caught no fish.  On the bright side, we didn’t loose any fishing tackle either.

We tried hard to sail down to Georgetown but the wind just kept dying away.  We wanted to enter through the cut at low water slack.  Clearly we weren’t going to make it.  At about 2 miles from the cut we put the engine back on and dropped the sails.  Once through the cut, we could see a veritable forest of masts ahead.  We chose to anchor off Monument Beach, figuring that this area was slightly less crowded but near enough to the town to go in by dinghy.  After lunch that’s exactly what we did.

The dinghy ride was quite long and a bit bumpy.  We pushed our way through a wall of inflatables in bumper-car fashion to reach the dinghy dock and tie up.  Once ashore we walked around trying to figure out where everything was.  We found the Laundromat and the grocery store.  We did some provisioning and toted everything back to the dinghy.  The ride back to the boat seemed even longer and much damper!  Once aboard Cotinga we realized that we hadn’t found the post office or figured out where to get our propane refilled.  These will be tomorrow’s tasks.

From our boat we are able to see an event happening on the shore.  We were told this is a farewell party for a pair of cruisers who have been coming to Georgetown for years.  They have decided that this will be their last year here.  There are hundreds of people on the beach eating and drinking.  Either this couple is extremely popular or the boaters around here are all looking for something to do.


23 31.666 N, 75 46.066 W

No Photos today. Our access to internet is intermittent - we will post and add photos as the opportunity permits

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