Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Varnishing and Photography

Varnishing and Photography   …   Wednesday 24 April 2013

It's a bit strange being on the boat on my own. I'm trying to stay focused and get some jobs done as well as make the most of being in Charleston. This morning there was a heavy dew over everything so it took a while before I could get on with varnishing the toe-rail, but by the time I had added the last 10 gallons of diesel to the main tank and also 15 gallons of water from jerry cans into the starboard water tank things had pretty much dried out. After that it was rub down with an abrasive pad, wipe off with a tack cloth, clean with paint thinner, and finally paint on the next coat of varnish. I think it's starting to look pretty good and I hope to get two more coats on before the end of the week.
After lunch I took the dinghy ashore, filled up the empty jerry cans with diesel and water and then headed into town. My first stop was the Gibbes Art Gallery where they had a interesting photographic exhibition of pictures taken by James Karales as part of his coverage of the civil rights era. there were some great shots of some of the leaders of the civil rights movement as they participated in marches and speeches etc, but also some moving personal shots of Martin Luther King with his young family. There were several other painting sections in the Gallery, one of which is a permanent exhibit of set of watercolors by Alice Ravenel Huger Smith depicting life in a rice plantation. Wonderful pictures, but they have a tranquility about them that probably doesn't reflect life as it really was on a plantation. After leaving the gallery I wandered the streets of Charleston with the intention of trying to take some photos. Yesterday I did the same, but despite hauling round a mountain of gear like a pack mule, I didn't take a single shot. It seemed like this afternoon was going to go the same way, but then I spotted the roof of a "circular" church, liked the patterns and started shooting. After that I had a great time. I have no idea why sometimes I feel inspired to take photos and other times nothing comes together. The thought of being a wedding photographer makes my palms sweat … "sorry guys, I'm just not really in the mood today!" The trip back to "Cotinga" in the dinghy was interesting. The tide flows very strongly in the Ashley river and it was also blowing a fair bit. That coupled with the extra weight of 24 gallons of diesel and water meant the dinghy was bow heavy and it was quite a wet ride. Because of the varnishing work we are not using the side gate, but getting on and off the boat from a ladder at the stern. Approaching this in the dinghy is tricky and with the water rushing by it really does feel like motoring up a river. I needed to leave the outboard engine in gear just to hold position long enough to get the line onto Cotinga. Then it was something of a struggle to haul up the full jerry cans. Anyway I didn't end up in the water - so we'll call it  a victory. It sounds like Gloria is having a nice time up with her family. All being well she should be back on Friday.


Dew on the toe-rail

Roof of the round church

Pillars of the Judicial Building

Pillars of the Judicial Building - from the opposite side

Courthouse Square - space available

Round railings

A friendly young man

... and his younger brother (I presume)

Scooter rider

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