Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Toilet Humor isn’t just for kids!

Toilet Humor isn’t just for kids!


Wednesday August 5th 2020


Live aboard cruisers talk a lot about their toilets, which if you’ve been reading this blog you already know.  (They also talk a lot about their batteries and power consumption. However, this doesn’t quite match up in terms of grossness and amusement value, but also tends to be mind numbingly boring to non-boaters). This afternoon we were chatting with Gloria’s brother Rod and his wife Sue when the topic turned to holding tank issues on a boat belonging to a friend of Rod's. We listened in rapt attention as Rod described overflowing vent pipes, blocked pump-out hoses and fishing out bits of “stuff” with a hook through a small hole. This is what legends are made of! I ventured in all seriousness that if you were going to install a tank-monitor it had to be an ultra-sonic model with no moving parts to gum up. Rod suggested a tank made of translucent material was better as you could determine just how full it was by looking at it. Sue added that it was important that the material was “translucent” not “transparent” as the latter would provide altogether too much detail. Then Gloria chipped in with one of her classic comments … “Well if the holding tank was transparent then it could take the place of a fish tank and provide relaxation and entertainment”. At this point, we all collapsed in hysterics. I guarantee that even if you don’t find this amusing then it will be an image that you find hard to remove from your brain!


Today we managed to do laundry, fill gasoline and propane tanks and pick up the new lens for Mike’s specs back in Sudbury. Rod has taken our car back to his house and we are now ready to set off!



Gloria at work in the Nav Station

1 comment:

  1. I'll get along fine with the scatlogical humor! And Gloria you look pretty much all business and competence there at the Nav station. Much love.
