Thursday, August 6, 2020

Sunset on the Sakonnet

Sunset on the Sakonnet

Thursday August 6th, 2020


An early start and some speedy motoring got us to the Sakonnet bridges in good time to avoid the powerful currents.  We had thought we might be able to sail southward, but, north winds of less than five knots meant that we just kept on motoring.  By 11 am we were anchored at Fogland and feeling the heat of the day.  A nap and some lunch revived our spirits.  The arrival of wind from the southeast and some cloud cover did a lot to take the edge off the heat. 


One of the interesting aspects of boating is the wide variety of tasks that might be addressed in a single afternoon.  Today we (by this I mean Mike) went from draining and re-filling the gear oil (transmission oil?) in our outboard to cutting hair (Gloria’s) to preparing dinner.  I know he washed his hands in between because we managed to sneak in a swim after the hair cut.


Now the sun is down and the sky is suffused with lovely pastel shades and the water has taken on a mercurial sheen.  We will see what tomorrow brings.


Gloria swimming in the Sakonnet river, Fogland
A glass of Tequila, backlit by the computer screen (these photos were taken after finishing writing the blog last night)


1 comment:

  1. Well, you look happy in the water, but not so sure the haircut worked out!
