Monday, August 31, 2020

Addicted to the Inter-webs

Addicted to the Inter-webs

Sunday 30th August 2020


You don’t realize how addicted you are to the web and electronic communication until you find yourself without it. Here in Somes harbor we have some cell phone connectivity but not enough to support data transfer and consequently no access to the “Inter-webs”. Amazingly I was able to complete two calls to my brother and sister in the UK using “Whats-App” but that was a rare moment in a two-day period of electronic grey-out. I’m not sure why I even want to go on line, most of the news is enough to make you really depressed, but nonetheless I don’t like the feeling of being out of touch.


This morning was clear and calm, which was a relief after the crappy weather we had yesterday. We rowed the “Dumb Dog” to the beautiful dinghy dock and passed on the opportunity to donate a “minimum of $15” to support the facility. We would have made some sort of donation but the collection box was missing and a sign said the facilities were closed to transient boaters. Gloria and I congratulated ourselves on the decision to spend two nights here, because we figure that this means we aren’t “transient”! Shortly after we left the dinghy area we got into trouble for walking on a footpath that we thought was public but turned out to be private. I apologized my way out of the situation with my best British accent and we were on our way again! We actually had a lovely walk vaguely following a stream through the woods towards a pond. It was very peaceful and full of birds. We saw a number of warblers and vireos and a Swainson's thrush. The best part was on the way back we came across a sign for homemade pies and we went up to the house and bought a mixed berry pie from the lady who owns “MountDesserts” and we have high expectations.


When we returned to Cotinga the wind had really picked up as predicted and it was blowing 15-20 knots from the northwest. Consequently we had swung right round and were now uncomfortably close to a mooring. So after lunch we pulled up the anchor and re-positioned ourselves. We spent the afternoon aboard reading our books and trying to photograph (with little success) the numerous osprey and bald eagles that live around the harbor.




44 21.696 N, 68 19.659 W

The pretty stream leading up to Somes Pond

Cardinal Flower

Fish ladders that help with migration of Alewife fish up the stream (after the stream was dammed to power a watermill)

Shadow of a fern

Looking south down Somes sound after all the weather had passed through, the sun was down and the moon was up


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