Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fishing for Supper

Fishing for Supper   .... Sunday 9th September 2012

When we arrived in Robin Hood Bay yesterday,  I saw a large fish jump completely out of the water and land with a large splash.  This got me pretty excited about the idea of fishing.  As you may have read, the wind was blowing pretty strongly yesterday afternoon and there didn’t seem to be any reason not to try fishing.  I got the rod and Mike was kind enough to remove the mackerel hooks that had been in use and tie on the fake silver fish called something like the deadly Dick…
I cast and reeled the lure back in over and over.  After a while I found myself thinking that the lure is called something dick because you are one if you think you are going to catch anything. Later in the afternoon,  Mike tried his hand at the fishing.  Low and behold he caught something.  After much struggle and reeling we almost landed the side of a lobster pot.  In order to achieve this we did have to get the landing hook—more commonly called the boat hook.  This we did in order to recover the lure.  I’m afraid once we got the hook out of our ‘catch’ we let it slip over the side.  We soon tired of our fishing adventures but this morning Mike saw the splash of one of these spectacular jumps and his interest was piqued.

Today we chatted to some people who were walking around the docks at Riggs Cove.  We asked them what sort of fish we were seeing.  According to this chap these are sturgeon and they are protected.  They were never in any danger from us anyway.  When I hear sturgeon I always think Russia, not Maine.  Interesting.  We might need to do some research on the web.  This will have to wait for another day as the Wi-Fi gizmo seems to be having an off day.  No doubt this has to do with the less than stellar cell phone coverage—one bar.  I ask you--what can you do with one bar.

Well in fact, you can go watch the Pats game if you can find ‘one bar’ where it’s being shown.   That’s what we did today.  First we cycled to Bath.  That alone seemed to require near super-human strength.  Then we did the grocery shopping.  I can hear you gasp—all that weight.  Then we found the Irish pub and had a long lunch while watching the game.  I’d like to say that the ride back was easier but that would be lying.  I’m not sure which had the greater negative effect on my cycling; the food in the backpack or the food in my stomach.  The sun came out as we got back to the docks and the light was lovely.  I guess that was our reward.

Bath rail bridge

Byrnes Irish Pub - surprisingly quiet for the Patriots first game of the season - a nice place nonetheless

Robinhood Marine - Georgetown, ME

Gloria driving "the dumb dog" down Robinhood Cove


  1. Hi guys. Just a little query!! It's a lovely photo of the bridge, it catches the light spectacularly. But pls pls tell me you didn't have to cross it either by foot or on the bikes - the thought makes me shiver!!! Hahaha. Take care love Ali xx

    1. Hi Ali,
      If I had tried to walk across the bridge I would be in jail now! No sooner had I stepped onto the tracks to take the photo when a grey inflatable security boat came up and started giving me a really hard time about it being crime to walk on federal property. Discretion is the better part of valor so I retreated .... I knew I already had the photo I wanted!
