Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A worrying day

A worrying day

December 30, 2020

This was a bit of a worrying day as my brother Paul is facing some health issues. Over the past ten days or so, unbeknownst to us, he has had some symptoms that caused him to be concerned that he may have had a mild stroke. Today, following a CT scan, it was confirmed that he has indeed had a cerebral hemorrhage. It appears it happened a while ago, possibly connected to tripping and banging his head on the pavement, although this was several weeks ago. Rather than watch and wait to see if the symptoms resolve, he has decided to undergo surgery to address the issue and that will happen tomorrow.

So whilst we waited to hear news we tackled a few more of our seemingly endless list of boat jobs.  Today we scrubbed the covers of the cockpit cushions.  I think they are improved but not restored to their original state.  Many people suggested that tan wasn’t an ideal choice.  I fear they were correct.  It’s probably fair to say that if those stains didn’t come out by scrubbing with laundry soap and bleach, they are not going to be transferred to my pristine wardrobe!  

Have other boaters ever wondered if cleaning with water solutions might just be adding to the mold growth on the boat?  Often we add bleach to the cleaning water but still there’s a lot of water being added to the atmosphere inside the vessel. A few years back there was a craze to wipe the surfaces of the boat with vinegar as a way to deter mold growth.  As vinegar is 95% water this seems to present the same problem to my mind. Perhaps I should just try it and see what happens.  Having Cotinga smell like a pickle jar doesn’t seem that appealing. 

Fingers crossed for tomorrow


27 39.482 N, 80 22.215 W

Under the Merrill P. Barber bridge (Vero Beach bridge)

Inquisitive squirrel

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gloria & Mike,
    First of all best wishes to your brother for his surgery - hope it all goes well. I think of you often but I am very bad at communication. maybe that will improve - as of today I am officially retired. I am probably going to work periodically as a contractor for a little while but beyond that I will be a full time servant to the cats! Best wishes for a safe 2021. js
