Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Retracing our first ever sail in Maine ….  Mon 27th August 2012

It was close to 10 years ago that we left Rockport in "Dreamcatcher", our 16 foot Wayfarer, and sailed across Penobscot Bay to the islands of Vinal Haven, through the Fox Island Thoroughfare and spent the night by Hen Island. It was the very first leg of what was to become a long term project to sail the entire coast of Maine in stages. On that occasion we had a strong winds and a scary sail in a small boat. We dropped the pee bucket overboard in Fox Island Thoroughfare and had to engage in "man overboard" manuvers. In the evening we put the tent up on the boat and settled down for the night. The tide came in, the wind picked up, the rope securing us to rocks on the shore came loose and our anchor dragged. We ended up being swept down a channel and I had to go into the water to stop us being pushed up against a ledge. Eventually, we managed to stabilize the boat and get some sleep. It was a traumatic first night - from which we learned a lot. In the morning a a very thoughtful couple (Ken and Thora) who were sailing round the world from South Africa came to see how we were, picked us up in their dinghy and took us back to their catamaran for coffee and biscuits. It really helped us get back on track.

Today we left a stunning anchorage amongst tiny islands to the south of Rockland and sailed across to Vinal Haven and through the Fox Island Thoroughfare, before heading south and past that same cove where we had spent the fateful night all those years ago. For the first time since we arrived in Maine on this trip we had really good winds and on the most favorable points actually hit 8.3 knots. The Fox Island Thoroughfare, Northhaven and the bay and islands where we are now anchored are every bit as beautiful as I remember. Shortly after we arrived a bald eagle flew right over the boat. We took good care in setting really solid anchor as the winds are supposed to blow strongly this evening. Let's hope things go better than last time!

Also to keep you updated on Tash's progress. The garage told Tash this morning that the car would be ready to go today, but we just heard from her that the mechanic was off with food poisoning and now it will be tomorrow (Tuesday) before it's finished. All being well, she will be back on the road tomorrow and back at college by wednesday evening or Thursday.


Our neighbors in Dix Harbor

Sunset from our back door

Fine sailing through Fox Island thoroughfare


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