Friday, August 24, 2012

The Nectarine of Contention

The Nectarine of Contention   ......   24 August 2012

We began the day with bagels and cheese.  Then came a dinghy ride to shore with the bikes for a cycle ride around Southport Island.  For reasons having to do with lots of hills, low air in the tires and the lack of fitness of the riders what was advertised as an easy 10 mile loop started to seem like a miserable slog within a few minutes of leaving the yacht club parking lot.  We had to traverse two of those mesh-deck bridges within the first 1.5 miles.  Those things are un-nerving in the car… Our first stop was the village of Newagen where the lighthouse called the Cuckolds can be seen from the landward side.  Here we talked to a couple from N. Smithfield, RI—if you can believe that. We cycled along to the west side of the island to a place called Cozy Harbor with a lovely little cove and an even nicer café.  We felt a bit naughty eating our sandwiches and granola bars on their deck.  Mike even had the audacity to stop the chef and chat to her.  She asked us what we ate—stunned silence for a few seconds…. 
Many more hills led us finally back to the yacht club.  After rigging up a sunshade, Mike proceeded to a second (or would that have been a third?) course of lunch in the shape of cheese and crackers.  This was followed swiftly by several squares of Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut Chocolate Bar.  While reading my book in the shade, I drifted off into a little nap.  I was rudely awakened by a large hooting noise in honor of the winner of the Friday night race—how inconsiderate!  Sitting up I found Mike on the opposite side of the cockpit munching down sections of nectarine.  My request to be allowed to consume one of these sections was met with a stony glare—clearly not okay!  We have now returned from dinner in town.  While walking around, Mike suggested that we buy some fudge for the boat.  I wound up paying for the fudge and now—you guessed it, Mike is eating it all.  When it comes to food those polite British manners can vanish pretty quickly.  Nearly as quickly as the fudge….


 Cozy Harbor


 Main Cabin

 Nav Station

Forward Cabin (V berth)

Aft Cabin

1 comment:

  1. Wow thx for the pics - it looks great inside. You don't need anything it's just like a home from home. It's nearly as big as my last cottage!!!!

    Gloria I am truly surprised that after so long of being married to Mike you haven't learnt that Blocks just don't share food especially the male ones and definitely not luxury items such as Uk choc or fruit. But the cardinal rule is to always protect your own stash - if it's out on view it's fair eating game!!!! I got into terrible trouble for hiding cheese -well yes it was Camenbert - in the airing cupboard and forgetting about it. Dad had to take all the shelves out and clean it off the back of the hot water tank. It was the pronounced out of bounds and wasn't I "bloody lucky" Dad hadn't had to take the tank out ........... Some months/years later Mum did same when proving bread during the bread strike. She wasnt so fortunate and the tank had to be removed for cleaning!!!! Oh what a jolly jape !! Anyway rule of thumb - if you want hide it!!!!
    Spk again soon lots of love Ali xxx
