Saturday, March 27, 2021

Walk across the Bridge of Lions

Walk across the Bridge of Lions

Saturday 27th March 2021

I awoke in the middle of night feeling somewhat crappy and wasn’t too good this morning. I assume this is just the side-effects of the vaccine and a couple of ibuprofen helped and by midday I was feeling better. Gloria does not seem to have suffered any ill effects other than a sore arm.

We hung out on the boat this morning and then took the dinghy into the marina and walked over the Bridge of Lions to the St Augustine Light House. It looks pretty impressive but we opted not to go in because it seemed really crowded. However, it wasn’t a wasted journey because we really enjoyed walking through a quiet residential area filled with beautiful plants. Sheila – we saw a cat and tried to engage it in intelligent conversation but only got the expected outcome. Unfortunately I was distracted and I failed to take any photos!  

After a delicious dinner of pork chops, sautéed acorn squash and Brussels sprouts we had a nice conversation with Tasha. Then I happened to look out of the companionway and see that a neighboring boat, unoccupied and somewhat derelict, was about 10 feet from our side. We checked our GPS and determined we hadn’t dragged, but by some combination of current and tide (or the other boat dragging) we were now essentially on top of each other. We quickly put out a few fenders, which turned out to be necessary and then we started the engine and navigational instruments, pulled up the anchor and moved. We are now anchored about 250 feet away from where we were and hopefully we’ll will stay far enough away from the other boats and outside of the very busy shipping channel. What a pain in the butt! That’s the third time in the past month that we have had a boat close enough to bang into us, which is something that has never happened to us in the previous nine years. I’m starting to doubt my spatial awareness and ability to put the boat in good location even with the use of radar!


29 53.955 N, 81 18.454 W

Amarylis flower


Cove east of St Augustine

Tiny lizard on a picnic table

Sunrise St Augustine

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