Saturday, October 31, 2020



Saturday October 31 2020

Like many holidays, Halloween seems to change with your age.  When I was a little kid Halloween was all about the candy.  When I was somewhat older the excitement was all about walking around in the dark and getting scared by other kids or creepy sounds or fake cobwebs hanging from the trees.  The other day, we were talking to my brother about guidelines for Halloween during the pandemic.  He was saying that candy had to be placed into individual bags and left out on a porch or deck (during daylight) so as to have no contact with the children.  The upshot was that Halloween was now a great pain in the neck. Even without the pandemic, at a certain age, it doesn’t seem to have the charm it once did.

Tonight is also the “blue moon”—second full moon in October.  As well, this is the last day of daylight savings time.  This transition back to standard time is not one that I welcome.  Already it seems that the evenings are drawing in very noticeably.  To think that tomorrow it will be dark an hour earlier isn’t appealing.  Also it’s another reminder that winter is on the way.  The temperature alone has been a sharp reminder of that.  Just two days ago, it was 84 degrees here in Norfolk when the remnants of Hurricane Zeta came through.  Tonight the temperature is predicted to hit 39 degrees.  Brr!  


36 49.891 N, 76 17.764 W

The mighty USS Wisconsin, now permanently docked in Norfolk as a museum. I have spent time photographing this ship every time I've been in Norfolk - it's awesome!

Norfolk has many impressive glass buildings that provide great opportunity for abstract images. These are a selection of  photographs that I took this afternoon ...

As above ...

As above ...

As above ...

As above ...

1 comment:

  1. We had 4 inches of snow on Friday and a frigid 17 degrees Saturday morning! Fortunately, it was a sunny day and it became warmer for the children who had a costume parade in my neighborhood!
