Saturday, January 6, 2018

Motor scooter adventures 5th January 2018

Friday   5th January 2018

We spent a little tine wandering around Gustavia on our day of arrival, but we were both pretty tired. One notable success was finding the French bakery, where we bought croissants, baguette and flan! Gustavia does seem like  a lovely town with lots of upscale shops and a dozen or more restaurants. We decided that if we are going to spend money on dinner out then we would wait until we felt less exhausted and.
Friday 5th  arrived after a good night’s sleep in a very bouncy anchorage. We came to shore, rented a 125cc motor scooter and took off on a tour of the island.  Saint Barthelemy (St Barth) reminded us a lot of Cornwall or the Channel Islands (Jersey). It’s very hill and has spectacular beaches all around. It was more than a little nerve wracking to drive the scooter, but it mostly went well. When problems struck we weren’t around, as we’ll describe later. Our first stop was to take a hike along a peninsula on the north side of the Island. It was truly beautiful, great views and we saw tortoises on the path also white tailed tropic-birds off the shore. About half way along a couple of big squalls came through and we had to take refuge in a large cave, which added to the atmosphere. When we came back from the hike we were getting ready to drive off when we realized the passenger foot-rest had broken off. This seemed really strange until we also noticed there were also scratches down the right hand side. Clearly the scooter had fallen over and been picked up. Perhaps it was blown over by the wind during the squalls, but the wind wasn’t that strong and the front mudguard was also damaged. I suspect that a car inadvertently backed into the scooter knocking it over, and then picked it up. This put a bit of a damper on the day knowing this was likely to end up being a very expensive rental.
Anyway we did enjoy touring the island and by late afternoon we were tired and headed back to the boat. We cooked some dinner – pork fillet, Spanish rice and broccoli – then collapsed into bed. I suspect we were both still tired from the overnight passage.


Gustavia - looking northwards. We are anchored behind the castle. 

The hike along the peninsula to the west of Petite Anse - you can see the first squall approaching

Another couple sheltering from the rain


You couldn't plan better color coordination - T shirt, helmet and backpack !

How do you capture how bouncy the anchorage is?

How do you capture how bouncy the anchorage is?

Beautiful flowers abound - against the backdrop of painted stucco wall

Beautiful flowers abound - against the backdrop of painted stucco wall

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