Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Hot, hotter, hottest

Hot, hotter, hottest

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

According to the forecast, today’s high was going to be 85 F.  That’s more or less the same as yesterday.  Somehow today seemed a lot hotter.  Perhaps it’s my level of activity that explains the perceived difference. 

Yesterday was a day of many naps.  Every time I sat down for any length of time, I fell asleep.  The couple hours of sleep that we got after arrival at Atlantic Highlands didn’t seem to make up for the lost sleep on the overnight passage.  

Today we started doing some real jobs.  We tried to make a menu and a corresponding shopping list.  Then it was off to the grocery store.  As our list was fairly extensive, we decided that we would do a partial shop today and come back for the rest tomorrow.  That was a good idea as the big shopping bag nearly did Mike in.  We filled water jerry cans and went back to the boat.  

Once the shopping was put away and lunch was consumed, we went back to town on a beer run.  Usually, I’m not keen to participate in the beer runs—what’s in it for me? However, today, hanging out on the wildly overheated boat didn’t seem such a great option.  We stopped in an auto parts place that didn’t have the windshield gasket sealant we were hoping for but it did have air conditioning!  The beer shop was next.  On the way back to the dinghy we stopped off for ice cream.  More water jerry cans were filled.  Then back to Cotinga.

Yesterday, we had an enormous thunderstorm that cooled off the late afternoon.  Today the storms seem to have passed us by.  A cold front is due to come through tonight.  We shall count our blessings.


40 25.004 N, 74 01.302 W

 The following shots were taken over the past two days. I did contemplate only putting half of them up today and the rest tomorrow as that would take the pressure off having to take any photos tomorrow ... but actually that "pressure" helps motivate me to get my camera out when I'm feeling lazy, which is a good thing. So here they are in the order in which I took them, not what I think are the best ones first!

A T-storm passes through Atlantic Highlands on Tuesday evening bring 30 knot winds and torrential rain

Looking back towards the town as the storm starts to move away

After the storm we were treated to a spectacular sunset. All of these boats are on the marina mooring field. We are anchored on the other side of the channel to the south

An incredible aura as the sun dips towards the horizon

Tonight brought another spectacular sky

We could see T-storms passing in the distance but none came close to us

This boat is anchored at the tail end of the mooring field quite close to the breakwater that protects the harbor from the north. You can see the Verrazano Bridge in the background and the Manhattan skyline looked cool. If I wasn't so lazy I would have taken the dinghy over to the breakwater and taken some skyline shots on a tripod. Maybe tomorrow night ...

A paddleboat steamer / booze cruise returns to the harbor. Even shooting at 3200 ISO the light was too low to get a clear sharp shot so I figured embrace the movement (handheld 4 seconds, F16, 86 mm lens, ISO = 500) ... and if you hadn't guessed, this is my favorite!

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