Sunday, October 4, 2020

Turtle Tales

Turtle Tales

Sunday 4th October 2020

Today we had an awesome trip from Newport to Block Island. We set out under a clear, cloudless blue sky with light north-easterly winds and motored south out of Narragansett Bay. Once out of the bay the winds steadily increased to about 10 knots and moved to a more easterly direction allowing us to sail the remaining six miles or so. It was lovely! The highlight of the trip was seeing a leatherback turtle come up for air right next to the boat. This is the first time any of us has ever seen this type of turtle and it was huge. Apparently they range from 500-1500 pounds in weight and this specimen was maybe six feet long. Unfortunately we weren’t quick enough with a camera to get any photos.

On leaving Narragansett Bay, Gloria and I were both struck how much we view the bay as a sanctuary. We have been away and returned enough times to realize what a sense of comfort we feel when we return. Conversely it always seems like an adventure when we leave. 

Today we were reminded of a cruise that we did with Gloria’s brothers and their wives on their boats when Tasha was maybe 7 years old. As we did today, we were headed out of Narragansett Bay past Point Judith on our way to Block Island. On that occasion there were quite big swells outside the bay and Tasha soon began to feel seasick. We decided to pull into the Harbor of Refuge and drop Tasha and myself ashore so that we could catch the fast ferry. The two of us jumped in the dinghy with Fran and she rowed us to shore.  However, as we approached the beach a sizable wave broke and swamped the dinghy, putting all of us in the water. We waded in to shore, emptied the water from the dinghy and Fran rode bravely back through the surf to their yacht to continue the sail. Meanwhile on shore, Tasha announced that she now wanted ice cream, so that’s what we did. If I recall correctly, Tasha threw up again after the ice cream, but eventually we managed to catch the ferry and joined the rest of the family over at Block Island.

This afternoon we took the dinghy ashore and walked over to the town of New Shoreham for coffee and ice cream. Now we are relaxing back on board, cozy inside as the wind whistles outside.


41 11.100 N, 71 34.627 W

Will at the bow reading as we motor towards Pt Judith

New Shoreham - the only "town" on Block Island

It's easy to step off a boat onto the dock gracefully - all you need is wings - for the rest us of a clumsy jump will have to suffice!

Great Egret - a portrait against the blue canvas of a boat cover

Kayak off New Shoreham


1 comment:

  1. Love that story! Sorry about the barfing, Tash! And Fran, the drenched oarswoman!
