Monday, October 26, 2020

Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures

Monday 26th October 2020

Today we made a short 20-mile hop down the west side of Chesapeake Bay to a harbor called Deltaville up the Piankatank River. Our foul weather gear was still damp from yesterday’s rain and it was foggy when we got up, so we weren’t in that much of a hurry to get going. However, the rain had stopped, the winds and seas were lighter and we enjoyed our leisurely four-hour passage. On route we saw brown Pelicans and common loons and not much else in the mist. When we arrived at Deltaville the fog had mostly cleared, the sun was trying to break through and we were delighted to get out of our foul-weather gear and lay it out in the cockpit to dry. We opened every hatch in the boat to try and clear the dampness inside and we both took showers. I have to tell you it was only the garden pump-sprayer, but the water was hot and it felt marvelous. On route we had snacked on chips and hot sauce, but by mid afternoon we were starving. I cooked up some chicken tikka marsala, with green beans and white rice and we ate in the cockpit, watching other boats arrive. There were only a couple of boats here when we dropped anchor but now there are maybe a dozen, some of which we have seen previously during our trip down the Bay.

As I write this, the anchorage is peaceful and attractive (in a misty sort of way) and the water is totally flat. We’ll sleep well tonight, but have to be up early as we plan to go all the way to Norfolk.


37 32.216 N, 76 20.290 W

The sailing schooner "Brigantijne" on route to Deltaville

Drying foul-weather gear in the cockpit

Cozy down inside the Cabin in the evening. Photo shot from by the stove in the galley, the main cabin area is behind the "fruit sling", nav-station where the lights of the electrical panel are showing. It's not spacious below and it's hard to find a good angle for a clear shot!


  1. Wow, with that lens, it looks like a palace down there! Glad it stopped raining!

  2. Beware "Real Estate" photos - the wide angle lens (17mm) always lies!
