Friday, October 23, 2020

Fog observations

Fog observations

Friday October 23, 2020

I’d like to share with you my fog-observations.  These are necessarily quite limited.  First, it’s annoying to have to keep wiping the condensation off your glasses. As an aside—how does the moisture get on the inner surface of the lens? Second, people chose to go out fishing in the fog.  That seems odd.  Third, it seems that no one gives fog signals as they should.  Do they not know the rules or not see the need?  Forth, motoring in the fog is not a lot of fun.

There were a few breaks in the fog for which we were grateful. There was nearly an hour of pretty good visibility before noon.  Then the fog closed back. Just as we approached Solomon’s Island the fog cleared again.  Once we were anchored, the sun came out!  That was lovely. 

We heard the Coast Guard repeatedly calling a vessel-”Summer Solstice” this afternoon.  It seemed somewhat unusual to us.  After a while a different vessel hailed the Coast Guard to report hearing a distress call from a vessel.  The Coast Guard replied that they had also heard that distress call (presumably that was “Summer Solstice”).  It’s unsettling to be out on the water and imagine others boaters in peril. Later we heard a Pan, Pan, Pan call but no location information was given.  This did prompt us to figure out how to get Channel 22A on our VHF *.  This is the Coast Guard’s preferred channel for informational broadcasts.  Previously we could never get this channel!

(* For those who are interested we needed to switch from the International to the USA pre-set channels)


38 19.709 N, 76 27.072 W

Fisherman in the fog - Tred Avon River, Oxford, MD

Incredible mackerel sky sunset at Solomons island

Incredible mackerel sky sunset at Solomons island - telephoto


  1. Thanks Laura, we were down below and Gloria noticed the cool sky. I would have missed it!

  2. Love the photos also and also hate fog boating. I now want to visit Oxford too! Fran
