Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Notes from a cold-water flat ... 6th-12th June 2018

While on the boat and anticipating the return to home, I imagined the comforts of real showers, easy transportation, heat or air conditioning as required, my own washing machine---you name it.  The reality has turned out to be a little different.

Firstly, the hot water heater wouldn’t fire up.  The pilot would light but the main burner stubbornly refused to co-operate.  We got a so-called “plumber” out to our house on Thursday.  He scratched his head a bit and then phoned the “expert”.  What he told me was that if the hot water heater had been turned off for more than 35 days, the burner would never re-ignite.  (I read the manual and there is no mention of this feature.) He claimed he would get in touch with the manufacturer to get information about the correct part.  He would phone by the end of the day.  On Friday morning, having heard nothing, I called the company.  After some time they called back to say that the plumber hadn’t heard back from the manufacturer and would call me when he did!  Still waiting...  Meanwhile, on Sunday, I chatted with my brothers during a birthday party (lovely event at my nephew’s house).  They thought the problem would be the thermocouple that sits in the pilot flame and allows the main burner to light.  They came up on Monday to attempt the repair.  The pilot assembly didn’t look much like the standard thing and thermocouple was either absent or was a combination igniter/thermocouple.... Sad to say, we had to resort to ordering a new burner part that should arrive on Friday.  Thankfully, Paul brought up a clean, unused garden sprayer, so I’m back to boat style showers.  Better than an all-over wash using the sink and wash-cloth, but, not quite what I expected from home....

Then, sadly, calamity Jane tried to do a load of laundry.  A few days after I got home I did a load containing some items that where left from our visit home in January and a few articles of clothing.  All was well.  When I ran a small load yesterday, the spin cycle seemed to fail.  I set the selector to another spin cycle but the clothes were still soaking.  I hung those outside and when they were mostly dry, I finished them off in the dryer.  Then in a fit of total stupidity, I thought, maybe the problem was the tiny load!  So, I tore the fleece sheets off the bed and set the washer.  Sure enough, two soaking wet, king-sized fleece sheets!  Holy cow!  Fleece sheets can hold on to a massive amount of water.  I threw one over the drying rack outside.  By morning it was still pretty darn wet at the edges.  Now I’ve got the second one outside...

Rather than continue this rant in techni-color detail, let me just mention some other problem areas: the car registration, the heating upstairs, the mice I’ve been trying to trap. Holy mackerel, we are going to spend the entire summer getting all this stuff fixed.  


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