Monday, July 16, 2012

Introduction July18, 2012

We created this blog so that our friends and family can follow our progress from gainfully employed chemists to live aboard sailors.
For many years we had talked about doing more sailing, even sailing around the world.   I always thought this was one of those fantasies useful for getting through those ‘bad days’ at work.  It should have been a hint to see that over the past year or so Mike was spending most evenings pouring over the boat ads on the web.  I tended to greet statements such as “a Valiant 50 would be perfect for us” with noises of derision.
Then suddenly this spring we were both ‘downsized’ out of our jobs, we found a great boat at a decent price… To my surprise all the pieces seemed to be fitting together.  Now we are on the verge of departing down the intra-coastal waterway to Florida and the Bahamas.   Just another 50 or so items to cross off on the list…


  1. Looks great, cant wait to follow your adventures!

  2. M&G&N

    how to go now all I have to is figure out how to post pb
