Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

Wednesday 4th November 2020

There are so many ways to interpret the question “where are we going?” I might be referring to tomorrow’s journey, our destination for the winter or the future of this country. At this point I’d have to say that I don’t have any idea for any of these, but I expect that we’ll figure out somewhere to go to tomorrow. I have much less confidence in the two broader questions.

Today we continued on our way from Portsmouth, VA to Wilmington, NC from where Rod is planning to fly home. We woke to a perfect morning in our anchorage at the south end of the Alligator River – a cloudless blue sky, a little mist of the water and complete tranquility. This seemed at complete odds with the turmoil we were feeling about the elections. Nonetheless, we had a lovely motor down the Pungo-Alligator canal with beautiful scenery and lots of wild life in the form of bald eagles, red shouldered hawks, kingfishers, black vultures and a family of four dear swimming across the canal. We arrived in Belhaven in the early afternoon and after a quick lunch went ashore to walk around this sleepy little town. In the past three days we have gone from wearing almost every item of clothing we own back to shorts and T-shirts. The contrast in temperature is amazing.

We still don’t know the outcome of the election but we are all horrified that almost half the voting population don’t care enough about truth, respect for others and basic human dignity that they vote for the evil scumbag. If this country is as polarized as it appears then maybe it is time for the Union of States to dissolve and each go it’s separate way. I for one am ashamed to be part of a country with values that are represented by the likes of Donald Trump.


35 31.871 N, 76 37.290 W

Sunrise on the Alligator River

Early morning at our anchorage on the Alligator river

"Tupolow Honey" heads down the Pungo-Alligator Canal in early morning fog

A large barge in the Pungo-Alligator Canal

Bald eagle flying over the Pungo-Alligator canal

Ripples on the water created by the wake of a passing boat

Motoring down the Pungo-Alligator canal ... the noise is partly the engine, but mostly the sound of the water rushing past the hull

Motoring down the Pungo-Alligator canal

Deer swimming across the Pungo-Alligator river


  1. Keeping up the crazy name tradition: you motored just north of the Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge. Hope you enjoyed Bellhaven (the mythical place of the Popeye movie.)

  2. BTY: beautiful pictures! makes me miss NC!

  3. Tupelo Honey is my favorite Van Morrison song..
    "You can take all the tea in China
    Put it in a big brown bag for me
    Sail right around all the seven oceans
    Drop it straight into the deep blue sea"
