Saturday, November 21, 2020

Get your fat pants ready

Get your fat pants ready

Saturday November 21, 2020

That was a sign we saw while walking around Georgetown, SC this afternoon.  We think it’s a reference to Thanksgiving, but who knows for sure.

I should have known it was going to be a rough day.  I woke with a headache and cold feet.  The reason for the headache is unknown but the cold feet can be explained by the fact that I had managed to turn my blanket sideways overnight.  Thus, it was not long enough to cover both my shoulders and my feet.  That’s the sign of a bad night of sleep.  The tasks for this morning were going to the Verizon store to replace our wifi hot spot which has been failing AND going to the grocery store.  Both shops were located about two miles from the dinghy dock.  We got to the phone store with no problem.  Getting the new jet pack took a lot longer than you might imagine.  We sashayed across the busy road to an auto parts store to try to replace the air struts that hold up our fridge lid.  That didn’t work out as there was some uncertainty about the required size.  While there, Mike spotted the gallon of engine oil and that had to come with us!  

By this point it was noon.  What is that old adage— never do your grocery shopping when you are hungry?  I’m quite confident that we have never bought more food while on foot than we did today.  We were seriously laden down as we started to walk back.  Just when we stopped to rest and check how much further we had to go (1.25 miles) a car pulled up and the driver asked if we wanted a lift back to town.  Our instinct was to refuse but the weight of the backpacks and bags in our hands argued otherwise.  We decided to accept.  The driver, Michael, told us that he runs the Indigo bakery in town and the Indigo mercantile store.  He and his wife moved here from the San Francisco area a few years ago.  He talked a bit about the impact of the pandemic on his businesses and dropped us at the dinghy dock.  We were both very grateful.

After stowing our shopping we went to shore and had lunch in a cafe, sitting outside.  We enjoyed our lunch and decided to take a walk afterward.  As we approached the bakery (we were keen to go in and purchase some baked goods), Mike realized that he didn’t have his wallet in his pocket.  We returned to the cafe but the staff hadn’t found it.  Following the route we had taken, we were unable to find his wallet.  Mike popped into several shops and restaurants along the way to ask if someone had turned in a wallet.  No luck.  So a significant portion of the afternoon was spent on the phone to cancel various cards. As well as debit and credit cards and a fair bit of cash, it had Mike’s driving license and medical insurance cards. There was no activity on any of the cards so it’s possible someone picked it up and will try and return it, but it’s still very distressing.


33 21.819 N, 79 16.929 W

Georgetown paper mill - established for over 100 years - at one time the largest paper mill in the world. It now focuses on pulp for diapers (nappies) etc. Apparently when the wind blows the smoke over the town it can get a bit smelly

Georgetown paper mill - the light was better earlier but I was busy trying to cancel my bank cards (aghhh)

Georgetown Boardwalk - this is a delightful town with lots of restaurants and cafes and friendly people

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