Life in the Ragged Islands
Sunday 23rd - Wednesday 26th March, 2025
(We initially thought there was no cell phone service here, but it turns out that when we arrived the local tower had a technical problem, which appears now to be resolved.)
The Ragged Islands represent one of the most remote areas of the Bahamas. The chain of islands runs approximately south-north for about 50 miles before curving eastwards towards Long Island. The ocean to the east is thousands of feet deep whereas the banks to the west are shallow. Between the individual islands are ‘cuts’, some of which are navigable, and all of them act as funnels to vast amounts of water flowing on and off the banks as the tides rise and fall. The islands themselves are low lying and covered in scrub. There are beautiful beaches on both sides, and the water is crystal clear. Unfortunately, the ocean side beaches are covered by an astonishing amount debris, mostly plastic, washed up from the sea, driven by the prevailing trade winds from the east.
We had heard that the local people were very friendly, but nothing prepared us for the warm welcome we received when we went ashore at Ragged Island. We tied up the dinghy at the government dock, planning to hike the 2 miles into town. However, the supply boat, which comes every two weeks, was on the dock and a local guy offered to drive us into town in his pickup truck once he had finished collecting his goods. Gloria sat up in the cab with the ‘boss’ and I jumped in the bed of the truck with three other guys and a lot of boxes! We were dropped off in the center of Duncan Town, which consists of maybe 20 homes and a few commercial or community buildings, mostly under construction. The whole place looks pretty beaten up, but everyone we met gave us a warm smile and cheery “hello”. We bumped into our driver a couple more times - he invited us round to his house (which we didn’t follow up on), offered to drive us back to the dock, and on the final time we saw him he stopped to give us a bag of local salt that is produced here. We decided to walk back to the dinghy so that we could look at the views, but at least half a dozen vehicles, on route to pick up or drop off stuff from the supply boat, offered to give us a lift.
As sparsely inhabited as these islands are, there are plenty of fellow boaters. I counted 13 vessels at anchor last night off Hog Cay (just to the north of Ragged island itself). The island is uninhabited, but there is a Tiki hut on the beach and cruisers gather there in the late afternoon to chat, drink and barbecue. There are chairs and small tables, games and books that previous visitors have left, and even a volleyball court marked out in the sand. The hut itself is covered in dozens of plaques made from driftwood with boat names emblazoned on them. We believe that during Covid a large group of cruisers were gathered here for several months and spent a lot of time and energy setting up and decorating these facilities. Someone also created trails across the island that are well marked with a whole variety of trash, such fishing nets, shoes, kids dolls and plastic construction hats.
I didn’t particularly enjoy our second evening ashore as I got in to a conversation with four other sailors who all turned out to be climate change deniers. Honestly, I was shocked at what I was hearing and surprised to be in a minority of one in believing that humanity’s generation of greenhouse gases is the most significant contributor to the current global warming. I have spent some time trying to rationalize why I found the discussion so upsetting and I think it’s because of the lack of belief or trust in science and the scientific community that was so apparent.
The evening didn’t improve as we were later awakened by a squall / storm. I had seen lightning in the distance before coming to bed, but it was 1.30 am when Gloria realized it was raining and got up to close the windows. Then our anchor alarm went off, which got me up. It turned out that we weren’t dragging, but we were experiencing 20 knot winds from the west and had swung through 180 degrees. With no protection from that direction, it soon became very bumpy, which was a particular concern as we were by this point in 8 feet of water. We ended up watching the instruments and checking on the boat for the next two hours, and then spent the rest of the night in the main cabin.
Today, was a better day! We moved Cotinga about a mile up the shore for a change scenery and slightly deeper water. We took a short walk in the morning and then went snorkeling off the north side of Hog Cay with our South African friends Paul and Jo from s/v Arabella. The location of the reef out in the ‘cut’ was quite bumpy, with strong currents, but we saw some great fish, including Queen Triggerfish, Queen Angelfish and French Angelfish.
Here is hoping for a better night’s sleep this evening!
22 15.151 N, 75 45.209 W

Shallow water and mangroves off the west side of Ragged Island